SMT stick feeder vibration feeder Universal Vibration Stick Feeder for pick and place machine
WE are smt support provider for smt machine parts and equipment .such as feeder,nozzle , feeder storage cart smt reel rack , smt grease , solder paste mixer, smd counter, KIC thermal profiler,smt tape and so on .
Also can support some original parts of machine repair.
Universal Vibration Stick Feeder Specifications
1.Name:smt univrsal stick feedr
2.Model of machine:universal feedr
3.Material:aluminum alloy
5.Name;smt simens stick feedr
6.Model of machine:universal stick feedr
7.Material;aluminum alloy
Universal Vibration Stick Feeder
Key benefits
Universal Vibration Stick Feeder Product Description
Features introduced;Imported aluminium producion mate rials,vibration strength of the Deputy can adjust,Stable perf ormance,easy to operate,Can supply three.five IC and orher materials,power points Other on-line for24v,110v AND AN EXTERNAL220V three SMT vibration (STICK)FEEDER Inclu ding a variety iof
Universal Vibration Stick Feeder picture show:
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